Crossword clues for scriptures
n. (plural of scripture English)
Usage examples of "scriptures".
Epistles, and such like scriptures, I could not away with them, being as yet ignorant, either of the corruptions of my nature, or of the want and worth of Jesus Christ to save me.
God, Christ, and the scriptures, were poured upon my spirit, to my great confusion and astonishment.
And whether the holy scriptures were not rather a fable, and cunning story, than the holy and pure word of God?
His coming from heaven, to judge the world with glory, and have been confirmed in these things by these scriptures following, Acts i.
Now while the scriptures lay before me, and laid sin anew at my door, that saying, in Luke xviii.
Yet above all the scriptures that I yet did meet with that in JOSHUA xx.
I have also been encouraged from several other scriptures and examples of the godly, both specified in the word, and other ancient histories: ACTS viii.
And, when I had travelled through these three chief points of the word of God, about the space of five years or more, I was caught in my present practice, and cast into prison, where I have lain above as long again to confirm the truth by way of suffering, as I was before in testifying of it according to the scriptures, in a way of preaching.
These three or four scriptures also have been great refreshments in this condition to me: John xiv.
But that which helped me in this temptation, was divers considerations, of which, three in special here I will name, the first was the consideration of these two scriptures, LEAVE THY FATHERLESS CHILDREN, I WILL PRESERVE THEM ALIVE, AND LET THY WIDOWS TRUST IN ME: and again, THE LORD SAID, VERILY IT SHALL BE WELL WITH THY REMNANT, VERILY, I WILL CAUSE THE ENEMY TO ENTREAT THEE WELL IN THE TIME OF EVIL, AND IN TIME OF AFFLICTION.
To whom I said, that if that was his opinion, that none could understand the Scriptures but those that had the original Greek, etc.
But, said he, who shall be judge between you, for you take the Scriptures one way, and they another?
As for instance, if under the different apprehensions of the word MEDIATOR, you would know the truth of it, the Scriptures open it, and tell us that he that is a mediator must take up the business between two, and a mediator is not a mediator of one, - BUT GOD IS ONE, AND THERE IS ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MEN, EVEN THE MAN CHRIST JESUS.
Sacred Scriptures according to his own conceptions, shall dare to interpret them.
Holy Fathers and published by the Sacred Congregation of the Index has been notified to him, wherein it is set forth that the doctrine attributed to Copernicus, that the Earth moves around the Sun and that the Sun is stationary in the center of the world and does not move from east to west, is contrary to the Holy Scriptures and therefore cannot be defended or held.