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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scriptory \Scrip"to*ry\, a. [L. scriptorius, fr. scribere, scriptum to write.] Of or pertaining to writing; expressed in writing; used in writing; as, scriptory wills; a scriptory reed. [R.]


a. Of or pertaining to writing; expressed or used in writing.

Usage examples of "scriptory".

Her parents, rich once more, had first decided to start living in strict Russian style which they somehow associated with ornamental Slavic scriptory, postcards depicting sorrowing boyar maidens, varnished boxes bearing gaudy pyrogravures of troikas or firebirds, and the admirably produced, long since expired art magazines containing such wonderful photographs of old Russian manors and porcelain.

Her parents, rich once more, had first decided to start living in strict Russian style which they somehow associated with ornamental Slavic scriptory, postcards depicting sorrowing boyar maidens, varnished boxes bearing gaudy pyrogravures of troikas or firebirds, and the admirably produced, long since expired art magazines containing such wonderful photographs of old Russian manors and porcelain.