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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scribble \Scrib"ble\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scribbled (-b'ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Scribbling (-bl[i^]ng).] [From Scribe.]

  1. To write hastily or carelessly, without regard to correctness or elegance; as, to scribble a letter.

  2. To fill or cover with careless or worthless writing.


Scribbling \Scrib"bling\, n. [See 1st Scribble.] The act or process of carding coarsely.

Scribbling machine, the machine used for the first carding of wool or other fiber; -- called also scribbler.


Scribbling \Scrib"bling\, a. Writing hastily or poorly.

Ye newspaper witlings! ye pert scribbling folks!


Scribbling \Scrib"bling\, n. The act of writing hastily or idly.


n. That which has been scribbled, written in a scrawled or careless hand. vb. (present participle of scribble English)

Usage examples of "scribbling".

While Winter bent to the map again, scribbling camera designations in his notebook, Suttle played the rest of the sequence.

Many of them are clutching radios to one ear and talking, and scribbling on pads of paper.

The young man on the platform was glancing around the crowd and scribbling notes on his pad without looking down at it.

He left her to field questions from the reporters -- mainly about the attack -- while he went off into another conspirative huddle, involving much radio communication and scribbling on bits of already printed paper.

Ulrich looks up from scribbling, suddenly interested, choosing the worst possible moment to sit up and take notice.

They are scribbling addenda in those notebooks, adding unanswered questions there.

Then he spoke again in Mandarin, and the woman filled up a bag, weighed it, and sealed it, scribbling a price on the plastic wrapping.

The door was slightly ajar and Figgis was hunched over the desk, furiously scribbling notes by the light of a single candle.

Bluebottle is now scribbling poetry, squawking his inanities and laughing at the badly drawn cartoons he is scratching on our one and only map.

His scribbling of poetry and lies is becoming so intense that it seems to be spilling out of his imagination and into the reality of three grown men sitting in a Ford Escort heading north to the Pole.

I look up from these words I am scribbling, peer through the half steamed-up windows to the now familiar landscape and wonder how far we are going to travel.

Hays Hammond told him, and they fell into a detailed discussion with Ralph scribbling notes on the back of a cigarette packet, When at last Ralph nodded and stuffed the packet into his back pocket, Frank Rhodes demanded.

Lukash took to scribbling out a story a week to support his young family.

She spent a good deal of time scribbling in her notebook, as she had during his reading.

Eadie thanked him and pocketed the phone before scribbling herself a note.