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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Screech \Screech\ (skr[=e]ch), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Screeched; p. pr. & vb. n. Screeching.] [Also formerly, scritch, OE. skriken, skrichen, schriken, of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. skr[ae]kja to shriek, to screech, skr[imac]kja to titter, Sw. skrika to shriek, Dan. skrige; also Gael. sgreach, sgreuch, W. ysgrechio, Skr. kharj to creak. Cf. Shriek, v., Scream, v.] To utter a harsh, shrill cry; to make a sharp outcry, as in terror or acute pain; to scream; to shriek. ``The screech owl, screeching loud.''


n. The act of producing a screech. vb. (present participle of screech English)

  1. adj. loud and sustained; shrill and piercing; "hordes of screaming fans"; "a screaming jet plane"; "a screaming fury of sound"; "a screeching parrot"; "screeching brakes"; "a horde of shrieking fans"; "shrieking winds" [syn: screaming(a), screeching(a), shrieking(a)]

  2. n. a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry; "he ducked at the screechings of shells"; "he heard the scream of the brakes" [syn: screech, shriek, shrieking, scream, screaming]

  3. sharp piercing cry; "her screaming attracted the neighbors" [syn: scream, screaming, shriek, shrieking, screech]

Usage examples of "screeching".

Men in buildings closest to the northern outskirts of the town heard the sound first, a frightful slithering and screeching as the Worms hunched and scraped their way through the frozen streets.

And so they died, weeping and fretting and screeching, and soon even the men lowered their bows in awe as they stood and stared at the Enchantress across the cavern, watching as she loosed a flood of arrows into the Skraeling mass, watching as with each Skraeling who fell a flower drifted from unseen heights above them into the massacre below until the floor of the cavern was lost in blood and floating flowers and the disintegrating flesh of the Skraelings.

The rat flopped about helplessly, screeching its death screams, and I hit it again in order to terminate the ungodly noise.

And while all this was going through my mind--as I was in the forefront of the charge--Mordant suddenly angled down, and he was screeching at me.

I thought frantically, and then I was instantly disabused of that notion as I saw Mordant himself, same size as before, descend screeching toward the giant drabit.

I almost broke my back before I could persuade it to move, but then it began to slide down toward the foot with a painful screeching sound.

There was a screeching metallic sound, and then the plate split into two halves that dropped down on hinges.

Then we all froze like statues, because a high screeching voice began to shriek.

Clouds of birds exploded screeching from the grass like nervous spume before a careening sea vessel.

A wise choice, for as the cliff dwellers flowed in screeching, slicing masses over the broad river, monstrous yellow and orange flames flowered from the silver craft.

Rolling eruptions undulated across the canopy, pointillistic ripplings of gold accompanied by the screeching of Furies.

The crew kept the two engines screeching as they climbed into the airplane.

In the event of a crash or a ditching the ELB, responding to shock of impact and deceleration or, activated manually, sent out a screeching radio signal that rescue aircraft could home on.

Would the bomb really detonate if he failed to punch the numbers on command of the screeching sound and the blinking red light?

Recca dragged a dagger from his belt and blundered forward, screeching in hatred as the demon laughed.