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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scrawl \Scrawl\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scrawled; p. pr. & vb. n. Scrawling.] [Probably corrupted from scrabble.] To draw or mark awkwardly and irregularly; to write hastily and carelessly; to scratch; to scribble; as, to scrawl a letter.

His name, scrawled by himself.


n. Something scrawled. vb. (present participle of scrawl English)

Usage examples of "scrawling".

Philadelphia Flyers sticker the binder was laced with ballpoint scrawlings, lines dug in repetition like Spirograph ovals, gestures toward some perfect, elusive form.

She walked from courtyard to courtyard, copying down a large number of the more interesting scrawlings, and noting their location.

She granted the scrawlings only a casual perusal, in part because she feared one of the doors opening as she examined a choice obscenity sprayed upon it, but more because she was eager to see what revelations the empty flats ahead might offer.

He picked up his telephone book and tried to make sense of the scrawlings on each page, but the numbers would not come clear.

But she flattered herself that she might find something amongst this litter of scrawlings that previous analysts had not: some unifying convention perhaps, that she could use as the lynch-pin of her thesis.

As before, there were those awkward Englits scrawlings and the signatures were symbols—a sword, a knife and an ax—but the final words were in Erendra.

The third thing he noticed were the obscene scrawlings in day-glo paint, calling for an end to manicured lawns and expensive cars.

Weird detail scarred the surfaces around me, curls and scrapings of structure like scrawlings in bas-relief, glyphs on a monumental scale.

Weird detail scarred the surfaces around me, curls and scrapings of structure like scrawlings in has relief, glyphs on a monumental scale.

He rubbed his sore wrist and peered at the scrawlings across the page.