Crossword clues for scrapheap
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
n. 1 A pile in which junk is discarded. 2 (context figuratively English) A collection of discarded or rejected items or ideas. 3 A junkyard.
n. an accumulation of refuse and discarded matter [syn: garbage heap, junk heap, rubbish heap, trash heap, junk pile, trash pile, refuse heap]
pile of discarded metal
Usage examples of "scrapheap".
That military scrapheap that Marcill and Hartig landed near was the biggest one detected.
Most of the ’discoveries’ that mankind built a civilization upon after the fall of the Golden Age were actually rediscoveries of alien science, pickings gleaned from the scrapheaps of vanished prehuman civilizations.
The old mining town had been turned into a scrapheap of abandoned vehicles, half-built houses, woodpiles, junk heaps, and geodesic outhouses.