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vb. (en-third-person singular of: scrabble)

Usage examples of "scrabbles".

Roger takes the lead and bashes ice from the rope, jumars up, scrabbles over the rock blindly with his crampon tips to get a purchase in the snow and ice.

He believes he hears the Answerer laughing as he scrabbles away at it, but this surely must be in his mind, and in any event, what difference does it make whether God exists or not?

She scrabbles as I put her down and jets directly towards Theresa then realizes her mistake.

There is one moment of fear as he scrabbles ineffectually at the stones to slow his descent.

Malenfant could see, from scrabbles in the dirt, that he had walked away from the pit until he could walk no more, then crawled, and at last had dragged himself by his broken fingertips across the ground.