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n. (plural of scout English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: scout)

Scouts (Scouts Canada)

The Scout section of Scouts Canada is for boys and girls ages 11 to 14 (optional to 16). The program offers two main types of badges, Challenge Badges and Activity badges. The Challenge badges are round whereas the Activity badges are square or diamond-shaped. The Activity badges have two levels indicated by the border colour and shape: red and square-shaped for Voyageur and green and diamond-shaped for Pathfinder. Activity badges are required to achieve 3 out of the 4 awards, the Voyageur Scout Award, the Pathfinder Scout Award and the Chief Scout's Award, the fourth being the World Scout Environment Award.

Scouts (The Scout Association)

The Scout section is the direct descendant of the original Scout Patrols which formed The Scout Association of the United Kingdom in 1908. The section is open to both boys and girls between the ages of 10½-14 years, and are now formed into local Scout Troops which in turn form part of a Scout Group. The Scout section follows on from the Cub Pack (8-10½ year olds) and Scouts will move onto the Explorer Scout section at the age of 14.

A general Scouting programme is adopted by Scout Troops, but it is possible for specialist troops to be formed. Sea Scouts and Air Scouts are examples of specialist programme troops.

Scouts (Australia)

Scouts is the section of Scouts Australia for boys and girls aged 10.5 - 15, although they can move up to the Venturer Scouts section from the age of 14.5. It follows the Cub Scout section. Scouts belong to patrols, headed by a youth leader as Patrol Leader, with an Assistant Patrol Leader. Patrols are grouped into a Scout Troop. The adult leaders or Scouters are a Scout Leader (SL) and one or more Assistant Scout Leaders (ASL). The troop is managed by the Troop Council, which consists of the Patrol Leaders advised by the Scout Leader. Scouts was the first section of the Scout Movement to be founded.

Scouts make the Scout Promise which can be either of two forms:-

On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to my God and To the Queen of Australia, To help other people, and To live by the Scout Law

On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to my God, and To Australia To help other people, and To live by the Scout Law

The difference reflects the difference in Australian society between those who support the Monarchy and those who would prefer that the country became a Republic. Also note that the promise is made "To my god", highlighting the fact that Australian scouting is multi-national, and also "multi-religious".

The Scout Law is:-

A Scout is trustworthy A Scout is loyal A Scout is helpful A Scout is friendly A Scout is cheerful A Scout is considerate A Scout is thrifty A Scout is courageous A Scout is respectful A Scout cares for the environment

Scouts (Scouting Ireland)

Scouts in Scouting Ireland are aged between 11 and a half to 16 years of age. Each group has a Court of Honour/Patrol Leader's Council which under the guidance of an adult Scouter designs and implements activities. Scouts is the section where activities begin to really challenge the youth member and impart responsibility and self-reliance in accordance with the Scout method and the educational philosophy of Baden-Powell. The association also currently has Sea Scout and Air Scout programmes. The highest award is the Chief Scout Award

Scouts (Baden-Powell Scouts' Association)

As with Scouts in The Scout Association, the Scout section of the BPSA is the direct descendant of the original Scout Patrols which formed in the United Kingdom in 1908. The section is open to both boys and girls between the ages of 10–15 years, and are now formed into local Scout Troops.

Scout Troops form part of a Scout Group. The Scout section follows on from the Wolf Cub Pack (8-10 year olds) and Scouts move onto the Senior Scout section at the age of 15.

A general Scouting programme is adopted by Scout Troops, but it is possible for specialist troops to be formed. Sea Scouts and Air Scouts are example of specialist programme troops.

Usage examples of "scouts".

Her guardian Scouts came forward, as well, and stood, one behind each shoulder.

Aelliana and Sinit the unsuitability of associating with Scouts and other such persons.

What I believe is that Scouts are burdened with an understanding that takes into account not only Liad, but the universe entire.

When she left Liad it had been as a First-In, among the best the Scouts possessed, trained to go alone into uncharted space, to make initial contact with unknown cultures, to map unexplored worlds and star systems.

If Liad is to lose you altogether, at least allow another class of Scouts the benefit of your knowledge.

After a moment, and another mute exchange of worry, the Scouts drifted back toward their work.

With a groan of comical despair from poor Tubby, the Boy Scouts darted forward once more.

The news that turns were to be taken by two scouts daily at washing dishes and cooking did not awaken quite so much enthusiasm.

As for Martin Green, Walter Lonsdale and Joe Digby, they contented themselves with hoping that they might receive their badges as second-class scouts when the camp was over.

Piloted by Frank, the two young scouts made their way to the office of the local paper, which had already placed a large bulletin announcing the aeroplane model competition in its window.

The first prize of fifty dollars, therefore, goes to Paul Perkins, of the Boy Scouts, the second to Edward Rivers, of Hampton, and the third to Hiram Green, also of the Boy Scouts.

Among the throng the Boy Scouts threaded their way, watching with interest the events as they were run off, one after the other.

Hampton and the proud parents and relatives of the young scouts were assembled.

This done, the young scouts went through a smart drill with the staffs they carried.

The others were given the afternoon to range the island and practice up their woodcraft and landmark work, while Rob busied himself in his tent, which was equipped with a small folding camp table, in filling out his pink blank reports which were to be forwarded to Commodore Wingate and dispatched by him to the headquarters of the Boy Scouts in New York.