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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scirrhous \Scir"rhous\ (sk[i^]r"r[u^]s), a. [NL. scirrhosus.] (Med.) Proceeding from scirrhus; of the nature of scirrhus; indurated; knotty; as, scirrhous affections; scirrhous disease. [Written also skirrhous.]

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1560s, from Middle French scirrheux (16c., Modern French squirreux), from Modern Latin scirrhosus, from Latin scirros "a hard swelling, tumor," from Greek skirrhos "hard tumor," from skiros (adj.) "hard," of unknown origin.


a. (context medicine English) Proceeding from scirrhus; of the nature of scirrhus.

Usage examples of "scirrhous".

Blow, flute, and stir the stiff-set sprigs, And scirrhous roots and tendons.

This has been applied externally with benefit for scirrhous cancer, and to ease the pain of nervous gout.

The sweet Marjoram has also been successfully employed externally for healing scirrhous tumours of the breast.

In particular I became aware of an increasing callousness or defect of sensibility in the stomach, and this I imagined might imply a scirrhous state of that organ, either formed or forming.

Normand speaks of an ovary degenerating into a scirrhous mass weighing 55 pounds.