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n. (plural of scintillation English)

Usage examples of "scintillations".

They were alive with scintillations from the radiation blitz, entombing the giant ship in a nebula of shooting stars.

The air hazed over with bright scintillations, thickening protectively around her.

Then the distortion smeared it with refracted scintillations from the gleaming starscraper, and it shot away at a bruising acceleration.

High above the tattered clouds, the aurora borealis forms a veil across the sky, a garish mother-of-pearl haze riddled with thousands of long, lurid scintillations, like giant shooting stars.

Anna moved one down to the next level, dipping it into the shoal of tiny pale scintillations that swirled across the gulf between the second and third lattice spheres.

They were level with the fusion drive section, where sunlight broke apart into soft scintillations over the crinkled thermal foil that protected the deuterium tanks.

As he emerged from the thick growths of the holly, with the icy scintillations of its clustering green leaves and red berries, he drew rein so suddenly that the horse was thrown back on his haunches.

The white light—the perfect white light—was shimmering now, prismatic scintillations along its edges.