Sciforma, previously named PSNext, is an enterprise Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) software developed by Sciforma Corporation. Sciforma Corporation is an American software company based in Los Gatos, California. It is a Java web based cross-platform solution. It provides integration of portfolio, project, resource and document management and is completely configurable. The current software version is Sciforma 7.0. This version adds Single sign-on and an HTML5 interface enabling access from mobile devices or thin clients.
It runs on a Tomcat, WAS, Weblogic or JBoss application server with a PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2 or Oracle database.
Sciforma has offices in France, Germany, UK, Australia and Japan and distributors in several other countries. The software is available in 5 languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese.
PSNext, first released in 2004, is the successor of Project Scheduler, developed by Sciforma since 1982.
Clients from different industries use Sciforma such as Societe de Transport de Montreal, Netgear, Boeing and Zodiac Aerospace.