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n. (context dated English) science fiction.

Usage examples of "scientifiction".

Write me, and attend scientifiction conventions, and get new readers involved in scientifiction!

Sarge, that wasn't scientifiction, it was about talking and weirdoes and emotions and girl stuff.

Fifth, no real scientifiction is available for new or veteran readers, so the only people who read in our genre are innocents and youths.

Sixth, the death knell: The only scientifiction that gets published is drivel, such as that published in your pages.

If I find in your pages more work of Salmon's quality, I will tell all my fellow scientifiction fans and writers to subscribe to your magazine.

He went on to write some excruciatingly bad science fiction with some excruciatingly good predictions in it, to edit a magazine, in which he included science fiction stories (or scientifiction, as be called it) , and to begin thinking of publishing an all-science-fiction magazine for some time.

He was thinking that if a stranger he met casually in the park was so interested in scientifiction, it might be a good sign that it was time for the magazine.

It was Wells who was the very model of a modern scientifiction writer.