n. A scheme for the ordering of things such as stellar objects, minerals, forms of life, or personality types according to characteristics that are discernible and testable by scientific methods.
Scientific classification may refer to:
- Chemical classification
- Mathematical classification, construction of subsets into a set
- The mathematical problem of assigning a label to an object based on a set of its attributes or features.
- Taxonomy, the practice and science of categorization
Usage examples of "scientific classification".
They are (I have little doubt) for those who have attained to them mnemonic keys to whole classes of phenomena of the order anciently denominated magical, phenomena which, since the human mind has had its present constitution, have been translated into language, classified, sought after, always above language, but not beyond a sane and scientific classification, a rigid and satisfactory method, as I most firmly believe.
The only time they got together they got slangin' because they couldn't agree upon the scientific classification of these red-headed devils that had got hold of us.
Linnaeus, Carolus, 1707-78, Swedish botanist and taxonomist, considered the founder of the binomial system of nomenclature and the originator of modern scientific classification of plants and animals.
A skilled geologist would probably have been able to assign them their proper scientific classification, but neither Servadac, Timascheff, nor the lieutenant could pretend to any acquaintance with their specific character.
Another scientific classification divided men into the light-haired and dark-haired.
Original Man used Greek prefixes a lot in scientific classification.