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vb. (present participle of schoolmaster English)

Usage examples of "schoolmastering".

He urged me to get out of schoolmastering (while praising it as a fine profession) and make something of myself.

D'you know, I think I shall give up schoolmastering for good when I get out.

In truth, the two seemingly divergent lines of manual work and schoolmastering had given me the best of both worlds, the ability to use my hands and the education to design things for them to make.

His connection with the Stapletons can be traced for several years, as far back as the schoolmastering days, so that he must have been aware that his master and mistress were really husband and wife.

At fifteen, still schoolmastering, he took a job in the nearby town of Kendal, and a decade after that he moved to Manchester, scarcely stirring from there for the remaining fifty years of his life.