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school text

n. a book prepared for use in schools or colleges; "his economics textbook is in its tenth edition"; "the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy" [syn: textbook, text, text edition, schoolbook] [ant: trade book]

Usage examples of "school text".

His Majesty Cling the Lofty reigned as the Emperor of the Voltar Confederacy until one hundred years ago and was, as any school text will tell you, succeeded by Prince Mortiiy who became Mortiiy the Brilliant.

His Majesty Cling the Lofty reigned as the Emperor of the Voltar Confederacy until one hundred years ago and was, as any school text will tell you, sucĀ­.

When I looked at the secondary-school text-books in both England and the United States, I was absolutely flabbergasted.

Their summer-school text-books lay off to one side in an untidy heap.

One of them was Hampton's, and the story of its wrecking by the New Haven criminals will some day serve in school text-books as the classic illustration of that financial piracy which brought on the American social revolution.