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school teacher

n. a teacher in a school below the college level [syn: schoolteacher]

Usage examples of "school teacher".

Rudi had discovered in himself a love for teaching, and he had decided that when he graduated he would become a high school teacher.

They said he had married and when the children came, had decided that there was more money in being a school engineer than in being a school teacher.

After an hour of everybody grousing about the stupidity of Hesburgh's choosing a high school teacher named Gerry Faust as the football coach, we got on the subject of tarot.

He plunged at once into a summer's work which gave him the coveted specialist certificate, and with a light heart he bade farewell forever to the teaching of history, spelling, geography- - all the trivial subjects which had been part of the routine of a primary school teacher.

Petersen, the school teacher, plays the genius's piano sonata note for note.

How come I'm mixed up in the affair of the Jewish girl and the Protestant school teacher and choir master at the Church of England.

Our Sunday school teacher was a strained, unhappy-looking woman named Mrs.