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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
school run
▪ The Kahanes had been on a school run.
▪ What they do see me doing is the school run, shopping, cooking their meals and running the household.
▪ You could go to Newcastle or York shopping and be back in time to do the school run.
school run

n. increased traffic due to the number of parents taking or collecting their children to and from school by car.

School run

The school run is a modern British phenomenon resulting from parents taking their children to school by car. Many parents park their cars in school parking lots and driveways to drop off and pick up their children at the appropriate times.

Usage examples of "school run".

There might be a school run by nuns or something that would take them in.

Kooralbyn International School, built in 1985, is an unusual concept, an independent, non-government, non-profit, privately owned school run by a board of governors.

Because the daily paper doesn't get to Scardale till lunchtime and Hawkin likes a paper with his breakfast, the newsagent at Longnor leaves an Evening News in the mailbox at the end of the lane every morning and whoever does the school run drops it off at the manor afterwards.

She thought of Stella, far across the continent, wasting her time in a school run by bigots.

The ones I committed when I was twelve and thirteen that inspired my parents, even though they were far, far, from prosperous, to decide that I belonged in a girls' boarding school run by nuns until I graduated from high school.

There was a school run by an old Anglican priest and a white woman whose face had been half-destroyed by the sun.