Crossword clues for scholl
Schöll, Schoell:
- Gustav Adolf Schöll (1805, Brno - 1882, Jena), Moravian-German classical archaeologist, philologist and art historian (de)
- Rudolf Schöll (1844, Weimar - 1893, Munich), German classical philologist ( Munich) (de)
- Fritz Schöll (1850, Weimar - 1919, Rottweil), German classical philologist ( Heidelberg) (de)
- Hans Schöll (1941, Vienna - 2003, Vienna), Austrian politician ( FPÖ) (de)
- Hubert Schöll (1946 - 1992), a German football player
- William Schoell (pronounced "shoal"; born 1958, Manhattan), an American author, biographer and film historian
Usage examples of "scholl".
Jean Scholl, the patrolwoman who found the Bronco, had something to do with it.
Every man knoweth well the signes and tokens of love, and the malady convenient to the same : Her countenance was pale, her eyes sorrowfull, her knees weake, and there was no comfort in her, but continuall weeping and sobbing, insomuch that you would have thought that she had some spice of an ague, saving that she wept unmeasurably: the Phisitians knew not her disease, when they felt the beating of her veines, the intemperance of her heart, the sobbing sighes, and her often tossing of every side : No, no, the cunning Phisitian knew it not, but a scholler of Venus Court might easily conjecture the whole.