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Schipper is a Dutch occupational surname meaning skipper. People with this surname include:

  • Gary Schipper (b. 1952), Canadian neo-Nazi
  • Gerrit Schipper (1775-1832), Dutch portrait painter
  • Hendrikje Schipper (1890-2005), oldest Dutch person
  • Jakob Schipper (1842-1915), German-Austrian philologist
  • Jessicah Schipper (b. 1986), Australian swimmer
  • :fr:Jos Schipper (b. 1951), Dutch road racing cyclist
  • Katherine Schipper, American accounting researcher
  • Kristofer Schipper (b. 1934), Dutch sinologist
  • Mineke Schipper (b. 1938), Dutch author and literary theorist
  • Lee Schipper (1947-2011), American physicist and energy efficiency expert
  • Ron Schipper (1928-2006), American college football coach
  • :fr:Sebastian Schipper (b. 1968), German actor and movie director

Usage examples of "schipper".

The skipper was Cornelis Schouten--De Schipper was Cornel is Sthouten, daar hij op den 13 Januarij 1628 het cognossement van de lading teekent.

Later die dag had Supaari gesproken met een aantal schippers die de rivier de Pon bevoeren.

But all this was entirely irrelevant to Hyde, to his equally hostile counsel, David Schippers, and to the right-wingers who controlled the House.