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n. (plural of schematic English)

Schematics (album)

Schematics is the third studio album by the American pop rock band Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer. The album was released on September 25, 2007 through Le Pamplemousse Records (run by band member Rachel Minton) and FlightPlan Records.

Usage examples of "schematics".

After a moment he glanced up at Joat, read a bit more, flipped through several more schematics and then straightened.

There were a few controls that would call up information on the ship, schematics, history, and beside them a slot into which a successful bidder's credit chip would go.

Carialle signaled for Keff's attention when a handful of schematics flashed by.

Since there is no manual or blueprints, Carialle and I will plot schematics of the mechanism, and see what we can help fix.

Lately, since the Joint High Councils had released data on every bit of the salvage so far recovered, as well as schematics, drawings, approximations and deductions concerning the Hive wreck, there wasn't an engineer anywhere that wasn't trying his or her hand at putting just a tiny portion of the puzzle together.

Engineers were sent for to decipher the schematics, while Zainal struggled to explain with his inadequate technical vocabulary.

By using the schematics in the manuals, he and the other aviation and space shuttle personnel were trying to reconstruct one working system from the remainders of four.

Complex ship schematics unfurled across his consciousness, fuel sections a frantic red.

The medical program was choking up her mind with red symbols, all of them clustered around schematics of her legs like bees round honey.

Menus and medical physiological schematics appeared inside his dazed fragile mind.

Systems schematics appeared as he prepped the generators and drive tubes.

A quarter of the system’s schematics flicked to a daunting black, leaving only ghostly colourless outlines where functional hardware had been a moment before.

Instead she began datavising the flight computer for systems schematics, assisting the captain with the fusion drive’s ignition sequence.

Harlequin schematics of the starship’s principal systems vanished from his mind, and the webbing peeled back.

In the schematics which the flight computer provided, it was listed as a crawlway.