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scheduled maintenance

n. maintenance at a regularly scheduled time

Usage examples of "scheduled maintenance".

There would be scheduled maintenance monitoring, looking for fallen rocks from wall or ceiling, and unlike the waiting car the machines that did the work were smart and mobile and general-purpose.

And in this instance, it did more than that, because they did have imagerycomplete with time and date stampof Mangrum reporting to the storage area for the garrison's powered armor for a routine day of scheduled maintenance.

Normally, the meteor detection systems would have caught a picture of what happened, but they were out of action for scheduled maintenance.

Units that are a year behind on scheduled maintenance, almost two years behind on training.

The boat was in the yards at Kaliningrad for scheduled maintenance and to take on some new state-of-the-art electronic-monitoring gear.

Closer, though, the size of it became apparent-other starships, light cruisers and cutters in for repair or scheduled maintenance, were nested among the innumerable spikes and struts and spires of its outer surface.

Yesterday Ahn had taken him on a scheduled maintenance patrol of the five remote-sensor weather stations nearest the base.

Except during scheduled maintenance, the Enterprise's warp engines were al- ways on standby mode.