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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ In the past, the medical profession has been deeply sceptical about the value of healing.
▪ Now most of these teams have been disbanded, and many of those involved sound deeply sceptical.
▪ Nevertheless he remained highly sceptical of quantum theory.
▪ Some well-informed practitioners are highly sceptical of the reliability of corporate betas based on historical data.
▪ Some, like Faraday, were highly sceptical but prepared to try an experiment or two.
▪ The Department of Health is understood to be highly sceptical.
▪ But many Christians have come to believe because they were more sceptical than most.
▪ Professionals are often more sceptical and reluctant to respond to anonymous referrals - in the light of the above research this is potentially dangerous behaviour.
▪ A more sceptical view on this issue may be found in Francis and Tharakan 1989.
▪ However, others are more sceptical of the significance of merely more women in positions of influence in the state.
▪ Other officials, especially those who observed the operation of the tribunals in the Low Country, were more sceptical.
▪ Some architects are enthusiastic about the contribution their profession can make to the sustainable housing agenda274 while others are more sceptical.
▪ Economists have tended to be more sceptical.
▪ I was very sceptical and, being almost entirely ignorant of the truths of Theosophy, thought Theosophists mad in their beliefs.
▪ I remain very sceptical about whether people will ever use electronic forms to read novels.
▪ The railway ghost caused a great stir in Darlington at the time but many were very sceptical about its bonafides.
▪ The sceptical argument therefore claims that you can not make sense of the idea of a subject of experience other than yourself.
▪ It is in danger either of making knowledge impossible or of walking straight into one of our sceptical arguments.
▪ So the argument we have now reached seems to be a complex defence of the first part of that first sceptical argument.
▪ In the next section we shall consider three sceptical arguments which are strong enough to be worth taking seriously.
▪ Hume's sceptical argument has been stated very schematically.
▪ How then are we to find a conception of mental states other than that on which the sceptical argument trades?
▪ First we need to look at some distinctions between types of sceptical argument.
▪ The first and least important distinction is between local and global sceptical arguments.
▪ His attitude towards all religion is sceptical.
▪ When I started this investigation I was sceptical.
▪ But health union leaders remain sceptical, and fear services could be hit if the mall fails to take off.
▪ But the business community's sceptical about whether bartering would ever work on a larger scale.
▪ However, others are more sceptical of the significance of merely more women in positions of influence in the state.
▪ Hume's sceptical argument has been stated very schematically.
▪ If necessary put together a group of people who you know will be sceptical and try the presentation out on them first.
▪ Many are sceptical of the coroner's verdict of suicide.
▪ Marxists are sceptical of such claims and see the furtherance of class interests as of prime importance.
▪ Unlike Colin, who remains slightly sceptical, Mister C espouses the McKenna message with an evangelical fervour.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sceptic \Scep"tic\, Sceptical \Scep"tic*al\, Scepticism \Scep"ti*cism\, etc. See Skeptic, Skeptical, Skepticism, etc.


a. 1 Having, or expressing doubt; questioning 2 Of or relating to scepticism or the sceptics alt. 1 Having, or expressing doubt; questioning 2 Of or relating to scepticism or the sceptics

  1. adj. marked by or given to doubt; "a skeptical attitude"; "a skeptical listener" [syn: doubting, questioning, skeptical]

  2. denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; "a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles" [syn: disbelieving, skeptical, unbelieving]

Usage examples of "sceptical".

On the borders between maidenly and wifely, she, a thing of flesh like other daughters of earth, had impressed her sceptical lord, inclining to contempt of her and detestation of his bargain, as a flitting hue, ethereal, a transfiguration of earthliness in the core of the earthly furnace.

For twenty years he served her without faltering, sometimes with an artlessness which would appear infantine, if something infinitely sincere and sublime did not arrest the smile upon the most sceptical lips.

Between the two protagonists hovered Lewes, sceptical, inclined towards aggression.

In a time haunted by drought, plague and war, with no social or medical services available to the average person, with public literacy and the scientific method unheard of, sceptical thinking was rare.

Laura herself, to whom her daughter would tell the whole story, would be sceptical, though she might out of kindness pretend to believe it all.

Christian Scientists, psycho-analysts, electronic vibration diviners, therapeutists of all schools registered and unregistered, astrologers, astronomers who tell us that the sun is nearly a hundred million miles away and the Betelgeuse is ten times as big as the whole universe, physicists who balance Betelgeuse by describing the incredible smallness of the atom, and a host of other marvel mongers whose credulity would have dissolved the Middle Ages in a roar of sceptical merriment.

The temple sacristans showed it to Apion the grammarian, who reports the fact, but is very sceptical in the matter.

Taylor and Delcarte seized the spirit of my mood but Snider, I think, was a trifle sceptical.

Conversation turning upon whales, the Commodore was pleased to be sceptical touching the amazing strength ascribed to them by the professional gentlemen present.

Formerly, when we argued concerning the natural attributes of intelligence and design, I needed all my sceptical and metaphysical subtlety to elude your grasp.

In being sceptical of astrology, Khayyam was in tune with Avicenna, who wrote a book refuting it.

But we are living in a sceptical and, if I may use the phrase, a thought-tormented age: and sometimes I fear that this new generation, educated or hypereducated as it is, will lack those qualities of humanity, of hospitality, of kindly humour which belonged to an older day.

No one, among the most sceptical, most incredulous, would have been able, would have dared, to suspect Isidore of the slightest infraction of any law of morality.

It might easily languish in the estate market for years, set round with noticeboards proclaiming it, in the eyes of a sceptical world, to be an eminently desirable residence.

Most reporters, editors and producers, swept up with the rest of us, will shy away from real sceptical scrutiny.