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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And she touched the top of my head with the scepter and Was gone.
▪ But why carry a baton for sentiment when it should be a scepter?
▪ There was a time when we waved our scepters and calmed the storms.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scepter \Scep"ter\, Sceptre \Scep"tre\, n. [F. sceptre, L. sceptrum, from Gr. ? a staff to lean upon, a scepter; probably akin to E. shaft. See Shaft, and cf. Scape a stem, shaft.]

  1. A staff or baton borne by a sovereign, as a ceremonial badge or emblem of authority; a royal mace.

    And the king held out Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand.
    --Esther v.

  2. 2. Hence, royal or imperial power or authority; sovereignty; as, to assume the scepter.

    The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come.
    --Gen. xlix. 10.


Scepter \Scep"ter\, Sceptre \Scep"tre\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scepteredor Sceptred (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Scepteringor Sceptring.] To endow with the scepter, or emblem of authority; to invest with royal authority.

To Britain's queen the sceptered suppliant bends.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

c.1300, ceptre, from Old French sceptre (12c.), from Latin sceptrum "royal staff," from Greek skeptron "staff to lean on; royal scepter;" in transferred use, "royalty," from root of skeptein "to prop or stay, lean on." Apparently a cognate with Old English sceaft (see shaft (n.1)). The verb meaning "to furnish with a scepter" is from 1520s. Related: sceptred.


n. (alternative spelling of sceptre from=US English) vb. (alternative spelling of sceptre from=US English)

  1. n. the imperial authority symbolized by a scepter [syn: sceptre]

  2. a ceremonial or emblematic staff [syn: sceptre, verge, wand]

Usage examples of "scepter".

Then, if Acorus were to be chosen to host the master scepter, there would be more music, and plays, and a greater flowering of art and innovation.

They are those with great Talent who wish to be duarch, and who aspire to being Archon one day if the master scepter comes to Acorus, and they must have some check imposed on them to ensure their loyalty.

Hence the Ank Cross or Crux Ansata of Egypt, scepter of the Lord of the Dead that never die.

The Poseidon raised his scepter, that symbol of authority which had been granted by Mu to the first Atlantean lord ruling here in the east, a bronze trident.

She gave to Eberhard the insignia of their royal ancestorssacred lance, scepter, golden torque, and crownand told him to take the insignia and give them to Duke Henry along with his allegiance.

And by and by, there approached a faire and comely mayden, not much unlike to Juno, for she had a Diademe of gold upon her head, and in her hand she bare a regall scepter : then followed another resembling Pallas, for she had on her head a shining sallet, whereon was bound a garland of Olive branches, having in one hand a target or shield : and in the other a speare as though she would fight : then came another which passed the other in beauty, and presented the Goddesse Venus, with the color of Ambrosia, when she was a maiden, and to the end she would shew her perfect beauty, shee appeared all naked, saving that her fine and dainty skin was covered with a thin smocke, which the wind blew hither and thither to testifie the youth and flowre of the age of the dame.

At the back of the inn a set of unrailed stone steps led down into a large hot kitchen full of baking smells, where the roundest woman Nynaeve had ever seen was wielding a large wooden spoon like a scepter, directing three others in sliding crusty brown loaves from the ovens and replacing them with rolls of pale dough.

And you, Achilles, never hope to fight it out with your king, pitting force against his force: no one can match the honors dealt a king, you know, a sceptered king to whom great Zeus gives glory.

Elminster met those dark, star-filled eyes steadily and laid the torn remnants of his undervest and clout beside the scepter.

He reached down and plucked up a number of scepters from among a litter of metal-bound tomes, platters and smaller boxes.

With a growing, grating roar, it canted over on the stony rubble and rattled out into the room: a black catafalque whose upthrust electrum arms held aloft a coffin and several scepters for a few impressive moments before toppling over on its side and crashing into and through the floor.

Electrum arms, smashed and twisted in the fall, melted as shattered scepters in their grasp died amid their own small and roiling magical blazes.

A few moments of work with the long thongs that always rode in his belt pouch, and the scepters were riding ready at his hip, the coffer hidden down the front of his breeches.

The five Dreadspells exchanged awed, delighted glances, the roaring of their unleashed magic swallowing their shouts of excited approval, and poured down death until Elryn slapped at their arms and waved the scepters in his hands.

When he had their attention, the senior Dark Brother aimed the scepters at an angle toward the floor beside the shaft.