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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scent \Scent\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scented; p. pr. & vb. n. Scenting.] [Originally sent, fr. F. sentir to feel, to smell. See Sense.]

  1. To perceive by the olfactory organs; to smell; as, to scent game, as a hound does.

    Methinks I scent the morning air.

  2. To imbue or fill with odor; to perfume.

    Balm from a silver box distilled around, Shall all bedew the roots, and scent the sacred ground.


vb. (present participle of scent English)

Usage examples of "scenting".

Two or three will get together and establish a default scenting range.

She would make a quick report with underspeech and scenting, before the heavily supervised, once-a-week, coed outdoor activity began.

Julianne was fever scenting, desperately trying to reach out and both politely persuade and establish a bond with Stella.

The leopard knew the way, padding silently, scenting the wind, her night vision excellent.

The wind shifted and Brandt abruptly lifted his head, scenting the air.

Rio was on his feet instantly, moving back into the shadows, lifting his face to the wind, sniffing the air as if scenting for enemies.

The wind shifted and Brandt abruptly lifted his head, scenting the air.

He leaned toward her and sniffed quietly, scenting her just as had Brow before she had become separated from her family.

Clarence, scenting home even through the smoke, took the hint with alacrity, and trotted briskly up the steep incline.

He moved a little, lifting his head in restless query, like a wolf scenting the wind, but no message reached us save a distant rattling of leafless branches.

Its tongue flickered in and out, tasting the air, as if it were scenting the location of the sound.

I think if one who has the gift for scenting talents took a sniff of you they would discover that you are among the talented.

Ortelgans, scenting trouble, left their corner and joined their friend.

By the time smoke got up the rock chimney and exited above them, it would be very difficult for anything scenting it to tell where it originated.