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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scattered \Scat"tered\, a.

  1. Dispersed; dissipated; sprinkled, or loosely spread.

  2. (Bot.) Irregular in position; having no regular order; as, scattered leaves. [1913 Webster] -- Scat"tered*ly, adv. -- Scat"tered*ness, n.

Usage examples of "scatteredly".

Here and there, scatteredly, it was dimpled with small depressions about the size and shape of shallow saucers, as if giant invisible featherweight water-beetles were standing about on it—though the dimples were not arranged in any six-legged or four-legged or even tripod patterns.

Before this was spread a rug looking wondrously thick and soft, about which were set scatteredly jars of unguents, small bottles of perfume (which made themselves known by their ranging scents), and other cosmetic containers and tools.