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a. harmful; noxious; injurious; mischievous. n. hurt; injury.

Usage examples of "scathel".

We know that, for he said as much to his woman, and she told us before we killed her, and then Scathel averted the ill luck by killing the chief and all his family.

I cannot swim and I almost drowned, but my brother saved me, and in so doing he failed his own ordeal too, but Scathel always wanted to be a priest.

Many in the tribe believed that Scathel had vanished for ever, but now he had returned.

If Scathel was impressed by her beauty he did not show it, but instead thrust his raw-skinned face at her.

Kereval suddenly slashed at the spear staff and the ferocity of the attack drove Scathel backwards.

And to conquer Ratharryn, Scathel, will take all our men, and who will stay here to protect our womenfolk?

This time Scathel dropped the staff and spread his hands as though inviting Kereval to drive the heavy sword into his belly, but the chief just shook his head.

They had agreed to the bargain for, at the time, there had seemed no alternative, but now Scathel had come roaring from the hills and proposed using magic, torture and sorcery.

Saban smiled, thinking how angry Scathel would be if he knew that his own new temple might go to Ratharryn.

Somehow they had to persuade Scathel to let them take it, then carry it halfway across the world to Ratharryn.

There was more pleasure at this, but Scathel silenced the approbation by standing to his full height.

She stared Scathel in the eye, and Saban, who thought the priest was tall, saw that the sun bride was very nearly the same height.

She did not look at Saban, but kept her eyes on the ground, and then, when Scathel summoned her, she turned obediently towards the gate.

Scathel pushed against the wind to bellow a protest at Camaban, but Camaban shouted back and it was Scathel who stepped away, and then Saban was beside his brother.

He wants his temple moved and his glory restored, and what does Scathel of Sarmennyn do?