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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scarce \Scarce\ (sk[^a]rs), a. [Compar. Scarcer (sk[^a]r"s[~e]r); superl. Scarcest.] [OE. scars, OF. escars, eschars, LL. scarpsus, excarpsus, for L. excerptus, p. p. of excerpere to pick out, and hence to contract, to shorten; ex (see Ex-) + carpere. See Carpet, and cf. Excerp.]

  1. Not plentiful or abundant; in small quantity in proportion to the demand; not easily to be procured; rare; uncommon.

    You tell him silver is scarcer now in England, and therefore risen one fifth in value.

    The scarcest of all is a Pescennius Niger on a medallion well preserved.

  2. Scantily supplied (with); deficient (in); -- with of. [Obs.] ``A region scarce of prey.''

  3. Sparing; frugal; parsimonious; stingy. [Obs.] ``Too scarce ne too sparing.''

    To make one's self scarce, to decamp; to depart. [Slang]

    Syn: Rare; infrequent; deficient. See Rare.


a. (en-superlative of: scarce)