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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scarceness \Scarce"ness\, Scarcity \Scar"ci*ty\, n. The quality or condition of being scarce; smallness of quantity in proportion to the wants or demands; deficiency; lack of plenty; short supply; penury; as, a scarcity of grain; a great scarcity of beauties.

A scarcity of snow would raise a mutiny at Naples.

Praise . . . owes its value to its scarcity.

The value of an advantage is enhanced by its scarceness.

Syn: Deficiency; lack; want; penury; dearth; rareness; rarity; infrequency.


n. The property of being scarce.


n. a small and inadequate amount [syn: scarcity] [ant: abundance]

Usage examples of "scarceness".

They sat on reed mats around a rock slab table that reflected the scarceness of hardwood in their barren hilly empire, and ate the flesh of fowl.