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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scant \Scant\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Scanted; p. pr. & vb. n. Scanting.]

  1. To limit; to straiten; to treat illiberally; to stint; as, to scant one in provisions; to scant ourselves in the use of necessaries.

    Where a man hath a great living laid together and where he is scanted.

    I am scanted in the pleasure of dwelling on your actions.

  2. To cut short; to make small, narrow, or scanty; to curtail. ``Scant not my cups.''


vb. (present participle of scant English)

Usage examples of "scanting".

Aidan's -- being in fact a regular attendant and not scanting the collection plate?

He ran diagnostic checks on the scooter as fast as he could without scanting them.

For years he has been scanting his tribute and sending excuses when I summon his men and chariots for war— perhaps that was why the Assyrians beat me, three years ago.

I sat there, scanting for a cigarette and trying clumsily to mend my wee brother's toy car and wanting to get away.

Nor had there been a scanting of gallant bravery in any one of the Dalrei who died that day, seventeen of them, by Adein where it runs into Llewenmere by Pendaran Wood.