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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scant \Scant\, a. [Compar. Scanter; superl. Scantest.] [Icel. skamt, neuter of skamr, skammr, short; cf. skamta to dole out, to portion.]

  1. Not full, large, or plentiful; scarcely sufficient; less than is wanted for the purpose; scanty; meager; not enough; as, a scant allowance of provisions or water; a scant pattern of cloth for a garment.

    His sermon was scant, in all, a quarter of an hour.

  2. Sparing; parsimonious; chary.

    Be somewhat scanter of your maiden presence.

    Syn: See under Scanty.


a. (en-comparative of: scant)

Usage examples of "scanter".

And it seemed to her that all across the thermal field the plumes of steam were scanter than she remembered, their spurting less frequent.

Once they had eaten, Fanyi seated herself near the hearth, her cloak belted about her while she spread to dry her scanter undergarment.