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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Scalping knife

Scalping \Scalp"ing\ (sk[a^]lp"[i^]ng), a. & n. from Scalp.

Scalping iron (Surg.), an instrument used in scraping foul and carious bones; a raspatory.

Scalping knife, a knife used by North American Indians in scalping.

Usage examples of "scalping knife".

No one ever thought of connecting the mysterious Clegg with the sad young parson who, against all advice, had gone out into the unknown in an attempt to save the savage Indians, for that same young saint had long ago been included by his American acquaintances as but another victim of the tomahawk and scalping knife.

A tomahawk and scalping knife, of English manufacture, were in his girdle.

The frontiersman whipped out a scalping knife with a staghorn handle.

Specially not some half-drunk weak-sister cowardly Red with a scalping knife.

His cranium had been exposed by a scalping knife, revealing blue-white bone with a few clinging strips of red tissue.

He wore only a breechcloth, and carried beside the bow and quiver of arrows, only a scalping knife.