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n. 1 (context pejorative English) A rascal or miscreant, a scallywag. 2 (context Northern England especially in Manchester and Merseyside pejorative English) A jobless yob who has little or no education and is suspected of having committed some type of crime. 3 A flat cap or driving cap.


Scally (also spelled Scully, Skelly, O'Scully, Scullin, Scullane) and "ScalaĆ­" in Irish is a surname of Irish origin.

Scally (disambiguation)

Scally may refer to:

  • Scally, a surname
  • Scally (slang), slang term short for Scallywag

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Usage examples of "scally".

The scally herself had put all the things away and had cleaned the outsides of all the jars carefully.

But when spring came he was paid off and began to walk south, back to Scally and the children, with his dog Gripp at his side.

Young Thomas was sympathetic about the homesickness of the Scally boy.

From nowhere Pakie Scally appeared and stood behind them swishing off midges.

The next morning, when Pakie Scally went into his room, the hard was dead.

Josie Scally, neat and lissom in her parlour maid dress, opened the back door of Mrs.

Still another figure was flitting through the dusk and in the flash from the doorway Sterrin recognised Josie Scally, the sister of Pakie and Attracta.

Pakie Scally, stood around, their eyes straying towards a passage beyond the yard door.

Stacey tensed at a window in the castle as she saw Pakie Scally coming at full gallop.

She received calls but returned them with cards left by Pakie Scally, pressed into service as a footman, in the livery that had been bought out of her lavish trousseau account.

Good kids, saucy kids, adventurous kids, ragamuffins, scally wags and young varmints, they all meant the country was alive and well.

I was better dressed for it in a brown leather trenchcoat and a Harris tweed scally cap.

In the hair sliding black and too long from beneath an Irish tweed scally cap.

Belson in a light raincoat and a gray scally cap was leaning against his unmarked car, talking to one of the uniform guys.

The fashion of this Chariot was quadrangulat, of two perfect squares, longe wayes, of sixe foote in length and three foote in height, with a bearing out coronice aboue and vnder the plynth: and about the same a plaine, in breadth two foote and a halfe, and in length fiue foot and a halfe, bearing towards the Coronice, all ouer scally, with precious stones, with an altered congresse and order of collours, variably disposed.