The research project SCALARE (SCALing softwARE) is a European ITEA 2 project.
The aim of the international project SCALARE is to develop a Scaling Management Framework (SMF). The SMF is envisaged to be a roadmap for all organizations to guide them in growing their software delivery capacity. The key motivation for the project is the observation that all companies are becoming increasingly dependent on software, in particular traditional hardware-focused companies. The project partners all encounter different types of challenges in scaling up their capacity to deliver software. The project aims to identify these challenges, identify the common approaches taken and offered in the scientific software engineering literature and to offer a systematic approach to implement these approaches.
Project data Supporting organisations: ITEA2, Enterprise Ireland, VINNOVA Duration: 01.12.2013 - 1.12.2016Usage examples of "scalare".
Come abbia fatto a scalare la staccionata in fondo al recinto, è un mistero, però l'ha scalata.
Dopo trent’anni di tentativi, anche la settima spedizione aveva fallito l’impresa di scalare la montagna.