- Turn down an offer
- Take a pass
- Respond negatively: 2 wds
- Reject an offer
- Reject a submission
- Refuse to give permission
- Refuse to assent
- Pass on the offer
- Pass on an offer
- Part of a Nancy Reagan slogan
- Nancy's advice
- Just _____
- Issue a verbal refusal
- Issue a turndown
- Issue a refusal
- Have a negative reaction
- Hall and Oates "Don't even think about it, ___ go"
- Decline a request
- Billy Squier "Don't ___"
- Be uncooperative, in a way
- "Just _____"
- Turn down with "to"
- Refuse to approve
- Decline to participate
- Refuse a request
- Not consent
- Refuse an offer
- Put one's foot down
- "I Cain't ___"
- "I Cain't ___," 1943 song
- "Just ___": Nancy Reagan
- Take Nancy Reagan's advice
- Antidrug advice
- Issue a rejection
- Decline an offer
- "Just ___" (antidrug slogan): 2 wds
- "Just ___" (anti-drug slogan)
- "Just ___!" (Nancy's plea)
- "Just ___ to drugs": 2 wds
- What Ado Annie "cain't" do