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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Saw-toothed \Saw"-toothed"\, a. Having a tooth or teeth like those of a saw; serrate.


a. Having a jagged edge like a saw.


adj. notched like a saw with teeth pointing toward the apex [syn: serrate, serrated, toothed, notched]

Usage examples of "saw-toothed".

Some were small, like the catboat, while others were enormous, with ivory sails and brass figureheads and gleaming hulls fitted with saw-toothed rams.

They carried curious weapons - swords with saw-toothed edges of crystal, hooked spears, and glassy globes held in slings.

Saw-toothed waves of lava vexed the surface of this weird ocean, while on either hand arose jagged crests and spiracles of fantastic shape.

Four thousand paces away, opposite, rose the saw-toothed remnants of coral islands, over which roared the Whirlwind.

The scientist's naked toes balanced a long, saw-toothed cutting tool, while his small hands worked on the hoses burgeoning from his creation.

They were clad in brilliantly-painted cloths, and the soldiers were armed with the saw-toothed war-club, the bow and arrows barbed and poisoned with the juice of the euphorbium, the cutlass, the "sima," a long sabre (also with saw-like teeth), and some small battle-axes.

Antryg and Daurannon swung around in time to see something huge and soft and dreadful come bursting out of the right-hand doorway into the upshaft, something that sprang with the horrible swiftness of a leaping spider but whose soft, billowing body spread like a jellyfish to reveal a ciliated mass of wriggling, saw-toothed tongues.

The whole party was variously studded with auxiliary knives, throwing-darts, two-handed simitars, maces, bodkins and saw-toothed axes.

I did as I was told, and Imnak, with a large, curved, bone, saw-toothed knife, a snow knife, began to cut at a nearby drift of snow.

There were wet flies, and there were dry flies, but this fly augured into the water with a saw-toothed whine and dragged the fish out backwards.

The window shade was being held aside by an arm, and there was broken glass all over the floor, and Ward was out there looking into the room through a sort of saw-toothed halo where the windowpane had been, lazy smoke soft-focusing him.