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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Savorless \Sa"vor*less\, a. Having no savor; destitute of smell or of taste; insipid.


a. Not having taste; flavorless.


adj. lacking taste or flavor or tang; "a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea" [syn: bland, flat, flavorless, flavourless, insipid, savourless, vapid]

Usage examples of "savorless".

You did not eat the savorless bread Which a poor alchemy had made from ideals.

Life was as savorless as the makeshift food his harassed mother put upon her table, and King was uncertain if the capacity to care for any good woman again was deft in him.

When all else fails, when life seems dull and savorless, when one more bean would make the difference between right reason and the padded cell, one can always go out and catch a clam.

The chicken was greasy, the baked potatoes that went with it cold and savorless without salt or butter.

Fair: shrill and brittle and tawdry, a savorless night with anger lying just under its curling edges.