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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Savingly \Sav"ing*ly\, adv.

  1. In a saving manner; with frugality or parsimony.

  2. So as to be finally saved from eternal death.

    Savingly born of water and the Spirit.


adv. 1 So as to save; with frugality or parsimony. 2 (context religion English) So as to be finally saved from eternal death.

Usage examples of "savingly".

Not only is the sinner not taken to Heaven when he first savingly believes, but, as we have seen, the evil nature is not taken out of him.

Christ is so hid in God from the natural apprehensions of the flesh, that he cannot by any man be savingly known, unless God the Father reveals him to them.

That's for personnel and planets, the anonymous billions--and, savingly, for you and me, eh, Chives?

Let the arrogant, and such as have not been yet savingly cast down and stricken by Thee, O my God, laugh at me.