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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sauterelle \Sau`te*relle\, n. [F.] An instrument used by masons and others to trace and form angles.


n. An instrument used by masons and others to trace and form angles.


The Arbalète sauterelle type A, or simply Sauterelle ( French for grasshopper), was a bomb-throwing crossbow used by French and British forces on the Western Front during World War I. It was designed to throw a hand grenade in a high trajectory into enemy trenches. It was initially dismissed by the French Army but General Henri Berthelot thought it had practical value.

It was lighter and more portable than the Leach Trench Catapult, but less powerful. It weighed and could throw an F1 grenade or Mills bomb .

The Sauterelle replace the Leach Catapult in British service until they were replaced in 1916 by the 2 inch Medium Trench Mortar and Stokes mortar.

Usage examples of "sauterelle".

Papillon, Grillon and Sauterelle, all were sent into the Blot and all returned clutching overpriced Beasley souvenirs and unable to perform their duty to France.

Kennetts were succeeded by Miss Canterbury, who wanted something which neither Sauterelle nor any other modern shop was likely to have.

Cunningham, est un pays trop froid pour les sauterelles, et trop pauvre pour les voleurs.