n. The membrane into which the filling of a sausage is stuffed. Originally the washed intestine of an animal, now sometimes a synthetic substitute.
Usage examples of "sausage casing".
The intestine used as sausage casing leads me to believe it was some kind of homemade sausage, not manufactured product.
They'd stripped the derma from the intestines for use as sausage casing, and the smell of grilling liver filled the house.
As for the U-boat design, when you took the essential spaces and machines of a war vessel and stuffed them into the sausage casing of one long tube, the result was the same in any country: change the instrument legends to English, move the captain's cabin from port to starboard, add two feet to the wardroom, alter a few valve installations, and you were in the Grayling.
It had a green and gassy smell and the flesh had swelled tight against his pants, stretching the khaki fabric until it resembled a sausage casing.
Leonard's leg was so swollen it looked like ground meat pumped into a sausage casing.
Bardwell lowered him with a stroke face center with the fingertips of his flat hand, splitting the jaw like an overstuffed sausage casing.
There was a deputy seated just outside the enclosure, a fat youth done up in khaki that enclosed his blubbery body like a sausage casing.
He had simply remarked that the material could be put to better use as sausage casing.
Tetragna-respected patriarch of his immediate blood family, much-feared don of the broader Tetragna Family that controlled drug traffic, gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, pornography, and other organized criminal activity in San Francisco-was a five-foot-seven-inch, three-hundred-pound tub with a face as plump and greasy and smooth as an overstuffed sausage casing.