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satellite dishes

n. (plural of satellite dish English)

Usage examples of "satellite dishes".

From the GPS receiver, I'd worked out precise locations of the three satellite dishes we'd seen, and the distances between them, and also gave him the directions, azimuths, and times I'd taken from the dish.

Planned for Kagnew Station, whose name comes from the Ethiopian word meaning to bring order out of chaos, was a pair of massive satellite dishes to capture Soviet signals bouncing off the moon, and others relayed from earth-orbiting satellites.

To the left of the house were five satellite dishes, massive things at least ten feet across and set into the ground, looking like something an American would have had in his yard in the early eighties, the sort that picked up 500 channels telling him what the weather was like in Mongolia but still couldn't give him the local news.

One of them waved, and ten more brown-suited men emerged from behind the satellite dishes on the lawn.

High atop London, overlooking the Thames and Big Ben, McCoy and her team had created a high-tech financial war room, wired up with the world's state-of-the-art communications equipment-from shortwave radios and satellite dishes to high-speed Internet access and fiber optic cables capable of transmitting thirty million phone calls across the Atlantic in a single second.

Once he passed through this shoe display he would begin to see the brain-wave monitors and satellite dishes.

The big satellite dishes on the roof of the PTA's building are pointed almost straight up, like birdbaths, because Manila is so close to the equator.