Crossword clues for satans
n. (plural of satan English)
Usage examples of "satans".
A sacerdote, the Writs have promised, may keep his wounds, even unto the deepest pit of the Hells, even to mock the satans with the victories of the Christ Son!
I have been taught, again and again, that if one of the satans comes to steal off the soul of a sacerdote to a place in the Hells, that satan will attack the priest's weakness, his Most Grievous Inner Sin.
I hesitate because I believe I am seeing a new guise of the satans, as did St.
There is a tear coming from one of its eyes, and I know now, for certain, that I am indeed blessed to cast down a guise of the satans so unique.
They say nothing of the temptation by the satans, or the Bloodletting.
Today, satans surround us on the Earth in the guise of flesh that craves flesh, in the guise of armies keeping peace, in the guise of unseeable monsters of man's own creation, invading our bodies in silent acts of war.
I laugh at myself, because I realize I have now taken on as many forms and guises as any of the satans could.
I thought good for the satisfaction of my self, and such of my Friends as might be curious to inquiry into those Mysteries of Gods Providence and Satans Malice, to draw up and keep by me, a Brief Account of the most Remarkable things, that came to my Knowledge in those Affairs.
Omitting other Examples, I shall Instance only in the matter of Witchcraft, which on the Humane side, is one of the most hidden Works of Darkness, managed by the Rulers of the darkness of this World, to the doing of great spoil amongst the Children of men: And on the Divine side, it is one of the most awful and tremendous Judgments of God which can be inflicted on the Societies of men, especially when the Lord shall please for his own Holy Ends to Enlarge Satans Commission in more than an ordinary way.
And the design was to Destroy Salem Village, and to begin at the Ministers House, and to destroy the Church of God, and to set up Satans Kingdom, and then all will be well.
So the Lord hath delivered into Satans hand mens Children and Bodies, yea names and estates into Satans hand for the tryal of their faith and patience, and farther manifestation of the sincerity of their professions.
He had been standing behind one of the few remaining steel bulkheads when the Satans had unerringly zeroed in on number-two turret.