Sat>IP (or Sat-IP) is a protocol and IP-based architecture for receiving and distributing satellite signals.
In a Sat>IP system, satellite-delivered DVB-S and DVB-S2 (also DVB-T/T2/C/C2) signals are demodulated and converted to IP in a Sat>IP server close to the point of reception and distributed over an IP network, like normal IPTV, to any IP-enabled client multimedia device. Tablets, PCs, laptops, Smartphones, “connected” TVs, video game consoles, media players, etc. can all be used as satellite viewing clients.
SES unveiled and demonstrated Sat>IP at the fifth annual SES Industry Days conference showing the distribution of satellite programmes over CAT5 Ethernet, Power Line, plastic optical fibre and WiFi networks. The first devices implementing the Sat>IP protocol became available in 2012.