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Sardullapur-badhowan is a village in Hoshiarpur district in the Indian Punjab region. It lies on Hoshairpur–Chandigarh road at a distance of 29 km (35 minutes) from the city of Hoshiarpur. It comes under the Garhshankar tehsil. Mahilpur and Garhshankar are the nearby towns at a distance of 6 km (8 min) and 15 km (18 min) respectively.

The village population is mainly dominated by Jatt people having the Maan surname. The village has 368 houses and a total population of 1665, of which 39% belong to scheduled castes. The literacy rate is approximately 76%. The above data is in accordance with the 2011 census.

The village has a government elementary school. There is also a nursing college named "Sai College of Nursing" in the village. The village's Gurudwara Sahib is named "Guru Nanak Niwas". Sardar Jasbir Singh Maan is the present Sarpanch of the village.

The village residents celebrate " Hola Mohalla" with great devotion. A 24-hour "ਲੰਗਰ ਸੇਵਾ" is organised for the pilgrims going to and coming from " Anandpur Sahib".

The village lacks both a dispensary and a banking facility.