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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Sarcobatus vermiculatus

greasewood \greasewood\ n. A low hardy much-branched spiny shrub ( Sarcobatus vermiculatus) common in alkaline soils of Western America.

Syn: black greasewood, Sarcobatus vermiculatus.

Sarcobatus vermiculatus

Chico \Chi"co\, n.

  1. Var. of Chica.

  2. The common greasewood of the western United States ( Sarcobatus vermiculatus).

  3. In the Philippines, the sapodilla or its fruit; also, the marmalade tree or its fruit.

Sarcobatus vermiculatus

Grease \Grease\ (gr[=e]s), n. [OE. grese, grece, F. graisse; akin to gras fat, greasy, fr. LL. grassus thick, fat, gross, L. crassus. Cf. Crass.]

  1. Animal fat, as tallow or lard, especially when in a soft state; oily or unctuous matter of any kind.

  2. (Far.) An inflammation of a horse's heels, suspending the ordinary greasy secretion of the part, and producing dryness and scurfiness, followed by cracks, ulceration, and fungous excrescences.

    Grease bush. (Bot.) Same as Grease wood (below).

    Grease moth (Zo["o]l.), a pyralid moth ( Aglossa pinguinalis) whose larva eats greasy cloth, etc.

    Grease wood (Bot.), a scraggy, stunted, and somewhat prickly shrub ( Sarcobatus vermiculatus) of the Spinach family, very abundant in alkaline valleys from the upper Missouri to California. The name is also applied to other plants of the same family, as several species of Atriplex and Obione.