Usage examples of "sapien".
The appearance of these traits in bonobos hints at what might have been among Homo sapiens, if evolutionary history had been just slightly different.
After all, the Palestine archeological discoveries were proof that Homo sapiens and Neanderthal had already interbred, tens of thousands of years in the past.
Solo People were known variously as Homo soloensis, Homo primigenius asiaticus, Homo neanderthalensis soloensis, Homo sapiens soloensis, Homo erectus erectus, and, finally, plain Homo erectus.
Solo People were known variously as Homo soloensis, Homo primigenius asiaticus, Homo neanderthalensis soloensis, Homo sapiens soloensis, Homo erectus erectus, and, finally, plain Homo erectus .
Sophonts like Homo sapiens, using observation and imagination, developed systems of avoidances and protections within which they could live, grow, and explore quite nicely.
And they were different, profoundly different, sharing interests and enthusiasms perfectly incommunicable to any other generation, as if genetic drift or disruptive selection had produced a bimodal distribution, so that members of the old Homo sapiens were now coinhabiting the planet with a new Homo ares, creatures tall and slender and graceful and utterly at home, chattering to each other in a profound self-absorption as they did the work that would make Hellas Basin into a sea.
Gli esseri umani dei Secoli Nascosti appartengono al ceppo dell'homo sapiens.
The man who had raped her—Mary’s conspecific, a member ofHomo sapiens —had been a beast.
Koestler points out: ‘Homo sapiens is virtually unique in the animal kingdom in his lack of instinctive safeguards against the killing of conspecifics - members of his own species.
Teilhard de Chardin saw every step of evolution as a hopeful sign-even mass extinctions as a cause for joy-with cosmogenesis, his word, occurring when humanity became central to the universe, noogenesis as the continued evolution of man's mind, and hominization and ultrahominization as the stages of Homo sapiens evolving to true humanity.
Here we sat, as stupid as dodoes walking up a gangplank to be slugged-yes, and Homo sapiens would be as extinct as the dodo if we did not move.
Here we sat, as stupid as dodoes walking up a gangplank to be slugged—yes, and homo sapiens would be as extinct as the dodo if we did not move.
In Cronenberg's film, Homo sapiens meets Musca domestica only by the sheerest contingency.
As usual inside Trencher, where one was almost never out of sight of another body, numerous presences filled most of the available space, almost all of them homo sapiens, as this was a pink region, many of them in the flesh.
The base pair comparisons that I ran give Els's DNA more in common with that of Neanderthals than Homo sapiens, but examination of DNA mutation sites and rates suggests that she could be from the Neanderthals' ancestral species.