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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sapid \Sap"id\, a. [L. sapidus, fr. sapere to taste: cf. F. sapide. See Sapient, Savor.] Having the power of affecting the organs of taste; possessing savor, or flavor.

Camels, to make the water sapid, do raise the mud with their feet.
--Sir T. Browne.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1630s, from Latin sapidus "savory, having a taste," from sapere (see sapient). Its opposite is insipid.


a. tasty, flavoursome or savoury


Usage examples of "sapid".

After the others had drunk, he took a sip and followed the hot, sapid course of the wine to his belly.

But I speak of the cruet sauces, where the quintessence of the sapid is condensed in a phial.