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Sapera is a form of dance from India practised by the Romani peoples, to Romani and Indian music. It is commonly thought of as a snake dance, it is a dance that features heavily in the twirls with richly embroidered robes flaying out in display.

"Sapera" is a name given to the snake charmers of India. Since the introduction of the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 the Sapera's numbers have been dwindling - what was in the thousands is now limited to only a few hundred. Their professions and their religion are slowly being 'phased out' by a law that was put in place to stop the illegal skin/fur trade.

Many Sapera practice their trade/snake handling based upon their following of the God Shiva - depicted with a Cobra.

Sapera (Muslim)

The Sapera are a Muslim community found in the state of Bihar in India. They are also known as Mastan and Ustad.

Sapera (disambiguation)

Sapera is a form of dance from India practised by the Romani peoples.

Sapera may also refer to:

  • Sapera (Muslim), Muslim community found in the state of Bihar in India
  • Sapera caste, Hindu caste found in North India