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Santy is a computer worm created in Perl to exploit a vulnerability in phpBB software which used Google to spread across the internet.

Usage examples of "santy".

At loose ends, the Santy legation in Corona stopped a couple of thousand-kilo bombs with its roof.

Santies, some Sierrans, Santy officers, damned good equipment and so-so training.

Jell-Oraspberry Jell-O, usually, with cream on topand see Santy Claus in it.

The Santies noticed only just before Johan opened up with the forward machine gun, walking bursts across the men grouped around the hood of one of the light cars.

Jim Dallas, Will Dallas, Benny Damele, Rick Davidsaver, Donna Deihl, Dale Elliot, Sheri Elms, Charles Fannon, Irene and Walt Fischer, Frank Gavica, Allen Granum, Geneva and Herb Holman, Jimmie Gayle Hurley, Constance Ickes, John Hart Kennedy, Cheryl Knox, Bill Lewis, Noel McElhany, Madaline Meeks, Santy Mendieta, Charlene and Tim Nettleton, Cortland Nielsen, Tommy Ormachea, Tom Pedroli, Wanda Pense, Dee Pogue, Kathi Pogue, Stan Rorex, Deborah Ross, Jerry Sans, Lynn Schild, Norma Schafer, Sam Seals, Jennie Shipley, Sandra and Jim Stevens, Gary Strauss, Shielda Tallich, Jerry Thlessen, Connie Tol-mie, Gene Weller, Mary and Hoyt Wilson, Leland York, and certain others who have requested anonymity.

Bob, ez he war afeard Santy Claus would scorch his feet comin' down the chimbley, -- powerfull lucky fur we uns.