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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sanga \San"ga\, Sangu \San"gu\, n. (Zo["o]l.) The Abyssinian ox ( Bos Africanus syn. Bibos Africanus), noted for the great length of its horns. It has a hump on its back.


Sanga may refer to:

Usage examples of "sanga".

Cicero heard from Sanga that Brogus and his Allobroges had taken custody of three letters, one from Lentulus Sura, one from Gaius Cethegus, and one from Lucius Statilius.

Brogus, Sanga and Valerius Flaccus to wait for Pomptinus and the men he had been ordered to summon.

The guide Titus Volturcius listened to Fabius Sanga and Brogus testify, then wept and demanded to be allowed to tell all.

And the fourth is Fabius Sanga, at present well on his way to the lands of the Allobroges in the company of his clients.

And by the end of the following day Cicero heard from Sanga that Brogus and his Allobroges had taken custody of three letters, one from Lentulus Sura, one from Gaius Cethegus, and one from Lucius Statilius.

Fabius Sanga, at present well on his way to the lands of the Allobroges in the company of his clients.

Belisarius admired and respected Sanga enormously, but it was a simple fact that the man was on the stiff side.

It was still possible that Sanga was there to escort him, afterward, to the executioners.

The young Sanga who had faced a young Rao so long ago had been sure and certain in his beliefs, his creed, his duty, his loyalties, and his place in the universe.

But Rana Sanga knew full well that was the least of the things that were meeting today on a new field of battle.

There was no excuse, really, since Sanga had been there to bear witness, every step of the way.

Emperor had shown Sanga and all Rajputs that their sacred vows had not and would not be scorned by the gods of India.

And if the Roman eunuch had chosen forgery and duplicity to peel away the illusion, Sanga had no need of such artificial devices.

Whatever regrets the warriors who watched might have had, that the great duel between Sanga and Rao never happened, they were mollified by the bow shot.

Between them, the wives of Damodara and Rana Sanga practically oozed authority, and the major domo was always there to handle the little details.