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n. 1 a pile of sand 2 (context mathematics computing English) any of several models in which a series of connected nodes interact with their neighbours according to fixed rules


n. plaything consisting of a pile of sand or a box filled with sand for children to play in [syn: sandbox]

Usage examples of "sandpile".

The ostriches shut up in the planetwide aviary at Terra: those who lived in the sandpile because they had crumbled under the enormous psychological pressure suffered while emigrating.

Larry was sitting in his sandpile crying, Joe was doubled over on the ground gasping, Jimmy Ortega was waning about his arm, and Benny Maestas, his face covered with blood, his eyes staring at a damp switchblade knife in his hand that he thought maybe he had stuck into one of those bastards, was propped against a basket pole, snarling epithets.

I followed him through the tiny disorganised house and out to the back yard, where he set the baby down in a sandpile framed with two-by-fours.

And laying his hands on the sandpile, he whispered a rhyming enchantment that went on and on.

Maul landed on top of a sandpile and rolled to the subterranean floor.

They abandoned the sandpile with the pretty awning overhead and sat beside him, looking up at him in bright anticipation of making a new friend out of an old enemy.

By taking the least direct path possible and weaving my painful, half-conscious way over the great central sandpile again and again, I could drag the game out to past noon, by which time my lips were crusty and my tongue thick with thirst.

Tracking back from there, you also discovered that I was retrieved from the sandpile where you left me to drown by this Peter Nizam.

The Guernesi are cooperating in every way, but so far we are still sifting through a very large sandpile looking for one very small diamond.

All she needed was a little shovel and a tin bucket with Donald Duck on it and a sandpile to play in.

By the time he was chest deep in the sandpile, Remo was out of sight, so deep was he in the hole he had created.

Linda also showed us the sandpile near the fence where she believed Clem had disposed of the gun, but though we got out shovels and dug up the area, we were unable to locate the weapon.

Jonthose snowbirds would have left me in that sandpile until all hell froze over.

Back on the raft and around a horseshoe bend at Mile 33, they marveled at the vast sandpile forming an amphitheater under an overhanging scarp of rust-colored rock known as Redwall Cavern, so spacious that Major Powell had estimated 50,000 people could take shelter under its lithic roof at one time.